Bargaining update

The USFA negotiating committee began bargaining the new collective agreement with the employer on May 26th. Member perspectives gathered over the past two years under the themes of inclusion, diversity, equity, and access will inform issues being brought by the committee to the table, in addition to other work-related issues brought forward by faculty while preparations […]

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Important Report: Joint Workload Committee

As part of the December 2021 agreement to extend the 2017-2022 Collective Agreement, the Employer and the Association established a Joint Workload Committee to gather information about workload from the Employer and Association members across campus, and to make recommendations for procedures, criteria, and mechanisms that could be put in place to address concerns expressed […]

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Laurentian Fired Faculty Distress Fund Appeal

As you may know, administration at Laurentian University filed for insolvency protection on February 1, 2021. Over 200 faculty and staff lost their jobs and over 69 programs were eliminated. With the support of the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) and the Laurentian University Faculty Association, a Laurentian Fired Faculty Distress Fund has been […]

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Let’s Join our PhD students and Postdocs in their National Walkout Campaign 11:00 a.m. on May 1 in the Bowl

Graduate students and postdoctoral researchers across Canada are planning to walk out at 11:00 a.m. on 1 May in protest at government-funded salaries that have remained flat since 2003. Support our Science, a grassroots group, is organizing a national student walkout hoping to get the attention of decision makers in Ottawa.  “Federal scholarships – $17,500 for a master’s […]

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Council Elections: still murky

There is no reason to object to Deans as College Representatives on University Council. In fact, Council Bylaws, and the Act, are written to allow Deans to be a College Representative when there are no nominations under the appropriate section. There is, however, every reason to object to an impromptu reinterpretation of the Bylaws of […]

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Your Council: It’s not over yet

On Monday the University Governance Office sent an email to faculty members, specifying that, “Upon recommendation of the Governance Committee of Council, in light of interpretations of The University of Saskatchewan Act, 1995, and University Council Bylaws (2022) that occurred after the original call for nominations was open, nominations for University Council will remain open until March […]

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USFA Members, Take Back Your Council!

This week we heard some disturbing news from USFA members who had chosen to run for University Council as college representatives. Questions are being asked as to whether there is an attempt to manipulate council elections.  There are 28 college representative position vacancies (two for each of the 14 colleges), as defined under article 53(2) […]

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Be the voice of experience and change

The University Secretary recently emailed an invitation for nominations to replace 46 faculty members of University Council whose terms expire on June 30, 2023.  Deadline for nominations is February 24th at 4:30 p.m. If you wish to nominate yourself or have been nominated by a colleague, you can go to the following link to fill out […]

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