
Article 16 of the Collective Agreement sets out the collegial process for Promotion.

Faculty are eligible for promotion in any year of their appointment. They decide when they want to be considered for promotion to the next rank and follow the steps in the collegial process.

There are Department standards for promotion as well as College and University standards. The standards that apply are those in effect when a faculty member goes forward for promotion. This very likely means the standards for promotion will be different than the standards for renewal of probation and tenure.

It is important to know which standards will apply and to understand how they are interpreted by colleagues. Speaking with colleagues about their perspectives on whether or not you have met the standard for promotion is a very good idea.

Feel free to contact the USFA office for information.

Important Dates

From Article 16.6

May 31
the Department Head or Dean shall have met with candidate
June 15
Candidates shall advise their Department Head or Dean by June 15 of their decision to seek promotion in the following academic year
June 30
the Department Head or Dean shall have advised the candidate to provide such information as the candidate wishes to introduce
August 1
the candidate shall have provided to the Department Head or Dean such information as the candidate wishes to introduce
October 21
department committees shall have considered all cases for promotion and submitted their recommendations to the college
December 7
college committees shall have considered all cases for promotion and submitted their recommendations to the University Review Committee or to the President in accordance with Article 16.5.2.
February 15
the University Review Committee shall have considered all cases for promotion and submitted its positive recommendations to the President for transmission to the Board
March 31
the President shall have advised candidates for promotion, except those pending before Promotions Appeal Committee, of the decision of the Board
April 15
the Promotions Appeal Committee shall have considered all appeals and submitted its positive recommendations to the President for transmission to the Board
May 15
the Board shall have considered all cases for promotion and the President shall have advised all candidates in writing of the Board’s decision
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