Renewal of Probation

Article 14 of the Collective Agreement details the process for Renewal of Probation.

Unless appointed to a term or without-term position, appointed with tenure or appointed at the rank of Professor, faculty are appointed for an initial probationary period of three years. In the final year of the initial probationary period, faculty are considered either for renewal of probation for an additional two or three years depending on rank, or for tenure. Probationary appointments as Assistant Professors, Assistant Librarians or Associate Librarians would be renewed for three years. Probationary appointments as Associate Professors or Librarians would be renewed for two years. (An appointment at the rank of Professor is either with tenure or for a probationary period of two years, in the second year of which the faculty member must be considered for tenure.)

As a probationary faculty member, get to know the standards for renewal of probation for your Department and College and for the University. The standards that apply are those in place at the time of appointment. Talk to your Department Head or Dean and your colleagues about your standards. It is important to understand their interpretation of your standards since renewal depends on showing that progress is being made toward meeting the standard for each of the criteria for tenure.

Contact the USFA office if you are unsure or have any questions about Renewal of Probation.

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