College of Medicine Rejects Concept Paper

The USFA Executive recently communicated its concerns about the proposed “restructuring” in the College of Medicine. The timing and process associated with these announcements raises troubling questions. The Concept Paper, which contemplates the elimination of the Clinician-Teacher category of faculty appointment (of which there are more than 100), was announced just as the President and […]

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Star-Phoenix Reports U of S Faculty Salaries: Clarification

In an article printed on May 3rd and May 4th, the Star-Phoenix reported that, based on the StatsCan final data for 2010–11, mean salaries at the U of S were $148,754 for Full professors, $121,339 for Associate professors, and $105,102 for Assistant professors.  We wish these numbers were accurate, but they are not.  The numbers […]

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Bargaining Update May 2012 – Benefits and Other Financial Issues

In our last bargaining update, we presented the case for a bargaining mandate with respect to salaries that is based on the Employer’s lead-payer strategy for compensation at the 75th percentile of a group of seven comparator institutions.  Based on the salary data that is currently available (i.e., 2010-11), the average salaries by rank for […]

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Events in Medicine Part 1

The recent announcement of restructuring in the College of Medicine has surprised and shocked affected faculty members in the College. The draft discussion paper, titled “Academic Reorganization and Administrative Alignment in the College of Medicine”, which proposes dramatic changes, is being rushed to University Council on May 17, 2012, in the final months of the […]

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Copyright or Copywrong?

Changes to Canadian copyright law are underway, with the Copyright Modernization Act (Bill C-32) presented to the House of Commons for a third reading last month, and expected to become law. This new legislation will create a new reality for faculty, especially as it is coupled with the decision last year by a majority of […]

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Spring General Meeting

The USFA Constitution provides for two general membership meetings per year. The official meeting notice for the Spring General Meeting will be going out in the next few days. This meeting is scheduled for April 20 at 2:00 p.m. in Arts 143 and will include information about negotiations, a discussion of the recent provincial budget, […]

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June 10-14, 2012 – Prairie School for Union Women

The Prairie School for Union Women offers trade union women an intensive four days of learning and sharing in a supportive environment. The goals of the school are to develop women’s personal and leadership skills and to build solidarity among women workers. The school provides on-site child care and is committed to child-friendly attitudes. (Read […]

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Report on the USFA Scholarship Fund 2010 – 2011 Academic Year

The USFA Scholarship was established in 2004. Each year scholarship awards are made to eligible students of USFA Faculty members. The University of Saskatchewan makes an annual contribution to the fund of $250,000. In 2010/2011 a record number of 208 applications were received. Of these applicants, 196 students were eligible for partial tuition reimbursement. For […]

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