Getting Merit Right: Where do we go from here?

Our first experience with the new salary review provisions in the Collective Agreement is nearing completion.  Departments and Colleges have awarded their portions of the merit pool and the President’s Review Committee is in the final stages of its deliberations.  The USFA has received an enormous amount of feedback regarding the new salary review process, […]

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Preparation of Negotiations: Your voice counts!!

Our current collective agreement expires on June 30, 2013.  Both the USFA and Employer are committed to settling the next agreement prior to expiry of the present one, so it is likely that we will be at the table in early 2013.  As a consequence, preparation for the next round of bargaining by the USFA […]

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The Participatory Process of Assignment of Duties (Article 11)

It’s that time of year again. The process for the assignment of duties is underway. It is an open and transparent process that requires your participation and it is through your participation that transparency and fairness are ensured in the same manner as other collegial processes. Duties are assigned by your Department Head, or in […]

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Help Save Library and Archives Canada

The Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) currently has underway a campaign to protect Library and Archives Canada (LAC). The Campaign, launched in November 2011, is in response to funding cuts and internal managerial decisions that are threatening the quality and integrity of Canada’s only national public library and archives. The changes in the name […]

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March 21, 2012 – Member Social 4:00 p.m. Faculty Club

Hello, This is to let you know that our next member social is in the Windows Room on the main floor of the Faculty Club on Wednesday, March 21st at 4:00 pm. Jim Cheesman, Senior Professional Officer and Chief Negotiator for the USFA, will offer a few comments about the rights and responsibilities of members […]

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Executive Committee Elections

The USFA Constitution mandates an annual election of one-half of the members of the Executive Committee. By now you should have received the 2012 election package. Any regular member of the Association is eligible to run for a position and the term of office is two years. While, it has long been recognized that serving […]

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