Possible Restructuring in Arts and Science

A number of members in the College of Arts and Science have contacted the USFA expressing concerns about possible restructuring in their College, particularly with respect to the roles of the Vice Deans.

The USFA ascribes to the view that College structure and the roles of Vice-Deans, Associate Deans and Assistant Deans are matters for the collegium as part of collegial decision-making. While the USFA monitors administrative changes in order to assess if any changes to the terms and conditions of employment for individual members occur, we believe that our members are in the best position to debate and decide these changes through Faculty Council.

The College of Arts and Science Faculty Council meets next on Thursday, October 2. If you are a faculty member in the College of Arts and Science, this is an opportunity for you to contribute to robust collegial self-governance and influence the future of your college.