March 21, 2012 – Member Social 4:00 p.m. Faculty Club


This is to let you know that our next member social is in the Windows Room on the main floor of the Faculty Club on Wednesday, March 21st at 4:00 pm. Jim Cheesman, Senior Professional Officer and Chief Negotiator for the USFA, will offer a few comments about the rights and responsibilities of members with respect to the assignment of duties – a current topic for everyone right now.

Bring a colleague along for a chance to interact and chat with other USFA members from across campus. All USFA members are welcome to attend.

Please contact Tammy Stieb at the USFA office (5609 or to confirm your attendance.

Also, please mark your calendar for next month’s social for April 20th immediately following the Spring General meeting.

See you there,

Doug Chivers,Chair