Search and review processes are important to USFA members

It is clear from responses to our recent e-Letter regarding the appointment of senior administrators that the search and review processes for these positions are very important to USFA members. 

We received a number of emails from members in response to our e-Letter. Some expressed disappointment, while others expressed anger. We heard from many that they believe participation of faculty is unwanted and their perspectives of candidates, if sought, are ignored. The view was expressed that, not only is “shoulder tapping” the wrong way to fill senior administrative positions, it does not benefit the University in the short or long term.

We heard that delayed processes are frustrating for all concerned, and interim and acting appointments, particularly with the University’s current financial pressures, makes carrying out the academic mission more challenging than it needs to be. 

The belief that competitive search processes, even for acting or interim appointments, maintains the health and strength of our University was also expressed. So too was the view that senior administrators could be better supported and mentored through search and review procedures that were more open, and that created an opportunity for faculty to understand what the position entailed. 

The Association is currently in discussions with the employer, seeking measures to clarify a joint understanding of the search and review processes for senior administrators.

Thanks to everyone who responded to our e-Letter. Keep them coming!