Peter C. Dooley Legacy Award: Nominations close March 20

A call recently went out inviting nominations for the USFA Peter C. Dooley Legacy Award. Nominations close March 20 and can be made by any current USFA member or USFA committee.

The Peter C. Dooley Legacy Award will be given to a person, persons or an organization who has, through a long-term, cumulative contribution or a single, particularly important event or action, championed collegial decision-making and collegial self-governance in Canada.

Who do you know who has been a champion of collegial decision-making and collegial self-governance in Canada? 

Nominations, in the form of a letter describing how the nominee has been a champion of collegial decision-making and collegial self-governance in Canada should be sent by mail to:

USFA Member Development Committee
Room 20 Education Building
28 Campus Drive
Saskatoon SK  S7N 0X1
OR by email to:

A dinner to celebrate collegial self-governance and to honor the legacy of Peter Dooley and the recipient will take place on April 12. Terms of Reference for the award can be found at