We tend to complain – a lot – about increasing administrative overburden at the university. Dr Claire Polster has an interesting take on this – that this kind of complaining may actually entrench and enhance the harmful effects of these practices.
It’s an intriguing thought that led the USFA Committee on University Administrative Practices and the USFA Executive Committee to invite Dr. Polster to speak at our October 19th Fall General Meeting. Dr. Polster is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and Social Studies at the University of Regina.
The General Meeting starts at 2:30 p.m. in Arts 241 (Neatby-Timlin Theatre). Dr. Polster will be presenting: University Administration and Our Discontents: Towards a more effective faculty response. Dr. Polster’s presentation will explore and critique the response of academics to new administrative practices in areas that include resource allocation, performance assessment, and policy making, and will pose interesting alternatives.
Come and learn about a broad range of strategies with the potential to help avoid entrenching and advancing the harmful effects of administrative practices. Hear about strategies that can be employed to better serve the interests and needs of faculty and the public as well.
Dr. Polster has written widely on the corporatization of Canada’s universities and has been involved in various initiatives to defend the university’s public serving mission. She is co-editor of Calling Cards: The University We Have Had, Now Have, and Could Have and co-founder of the Community Research Unit at the University of Regina.