Your duties are assigned by your Department Head and approved by your Dean in a departmentalized college, and by your Dean in a non-departmentalized college, following consultation and discussion with faculty at a faculty meeting. The process for the assignment of duties should be complete by March 31 and approved by Deans by April 30.
Duties are to be assigned equitably among faculty members in your unit taking into consideration a number of things, including the full range of academic responsibilities faculty have, the guidelines for assignment of duties developed by your unit, your rank, status and type of appointment and standards for renewal of probation, tenure and promotion.
Your duties are performed on a 12 month basis unless your letter of appointment specifies otherwise. You are not required to teach in the Spring and Summer Session or to teach extension, off-campus or non-credit courses, but you can agree to such teaching as part of your regular assigned duties. You also cannot be required to teach, perform research or provide services outside your unit or field of training or experience, unless you have a joint membership.
Unless your absence is due to an illness, if you are going to be away from work for less than one month, make arrangements with your Department Head or Dean. An absence of more than one month requires approval from your Dean.
Each academic unit must develop guidelines for the assignment of duties. These Guidelines must be reviewed periodically, or at the request of the Dean, to ensure they remain relevant. The Guidelines must take into consideration the full range of academic work (undergraduate and graduate teaching, research, practice of professional skills, public service and administration) and the demands of that work, program priorities, standards for renewal of probation, tenure, and promotion as well as work performed by faculty for other academic units or programs through associate memberships or joint appointments.
For the purposes of the Collective Agreement, the University Library is considered to be a non-departmentalized college. Within the library there are positions of an Relevant Collective Agreement Article administrative nature for which an administrative stipend is paid to the person holding the position. These positions are assigned through the assignment of duties process.