Faculty Guide


(Article 20)

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The Collective Agreement states that

“sabbatical leaves are intended for academic study, research, writing and similar activities. Sabbatical leaves provide a means by which employees increase their knowledge, further their research, stimulate intellectual interests, strengthen their contacts with the world-wide community of scholars, thus enhancing their contribution to the University on their return.”

Full year sabbatical leaves normally commence on July 1.

Is a sabbatical leave a paid leave?

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While you are on sabbatical you receive 90% of your annual salary if it is a12 month leave or 100% of salary if it is a 6 month leave. Your benefits continue, however, benefits, including pension contributions, are based on your sabbatical salary.

If your appointment is less than full time your remuneration while on a sabbatical leave is based on your actual salary.

You may receive salary from a source other than the University for activities that are part of your sabbatical project. However, your salary from the University will be adjusted so that the combined salary does not exceed 100% of your University salary while on leave. Extraordinary expenses of the leave are considered in making this adjustment.

How do I know if my sabbatical salary should be 90% or 100% ?

The level of salary you receive while on sabbatical depends on the number of qualifying years worked and the length of the sabbatical leave. If you work full time for 6 or more years in a probationary or tenured/continuing status position, you are eligible for a 12 month leave at 90% salary or a 6 month leave at 100% salary. You are eligible for another sabbatical after 3 years or 6 years of additional service. If your apply for a sabbatical after 3 additional years of service your sabbatical can only be 6 months at 90% salary. If you work an additional 6 years you are eligible for a 12 month leave at 90% salary or a 6 month leave at 100% salary.

Sabbatical Travel Expense Account

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If you are granted a sabbatical leave, you are entitled to a travel expense account of $4,000. Receipts are required for reimbursement.

When am I eligible for a sabbatical leave?

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Only employees who are tenured or continuing status are eligible for a sabbatical leave. You are first eligible for a sabbatical leave after six years of tenured or tenurable service. You are eligible for a subsequent six-month sabbatical leave after an additional three years of service or either a six month sabbatical at 100% of salary or a twelve month sabbatical at 90% of salary after an additional six years of service. Eligibility accrues on a pro-rated basis if your appointment is less than full-time.

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You are entitled to count up to one year of a parental leave as qualifying service towards a sabbatical.

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If you are a faculty member in the Crop Development Centre, you are eligible for a research leave.

How do I apply for a sabbatical leave?

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You make application for a sabbatical leave to your Dean. In departmentalized colleges, Department Heads review applications for sabbatical leaves and indicate if they support the leave. The Dean reviews all sabbatical leave applications and determines which applications are acceptable according to specific criteria. The Dean may delegate this work to a Committee consisting of the Dean or designate as chair and 3 employees from the College named by the CRC who have had sabbatical leaves. An employee applying for a sabbatical is not eligible to serve on the committee.

What are the criteria for sabbatical leaves?

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The criteria for a sabbatical leave includes eligibility, a sabbatical project that demonstrates that the leave will benefit the University and the employee in terms of research or scholarly work, teaching, clinical practice, extension activities or other work related to your University duties.

What are the timelines for the sabbatical leave process?

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The dates for the steps in the process are set out in Article 20.12. Applications are to be in to the Sabbatical Leave Committee by September 30 in the year prior to the one in which you would like to take your sabbatical. Decisions are to be made by October 31.

What if I am denied a sabbatical leave?

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If your application for a sabbatical leave is unsuccessful, you can appeal to the Sabbatical Leave Appeal Committee. All appeals must be filed by November 15.

Sabbatical Leave Research Grant

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You are entitled to receive a portion of your sabbatical salary in the form of a research grant. You are responsible for demonstrating that these funds are needed for research during your sabbatical. You are also responsible for the tax status of expenditures from this grant. If you are denied a research grant you may appeal to the Sabbatical Leave Appeal Committee.