
Constitution of the University of Saskatchewan Faculty Association

1. Title

The Association shall be known as The University of Saskatchewan Faculty Association, hereinafter referred to as the Association.

2. Aims

The aims of the Association shall be:

  1. To promote the welfare of the University and the professional interests of the Association.
  2. To protect the freedom of teaching, thought, and research within the University, and to improve their quality.
  3. To cooperate with other bodies whose interest may be similar, in particular with national and international associations of university professors and lecturers, and of research workers.
  4. To deal with other matters considered to be in the interests of the Association or its members.
  5. To engage in collective bargaining for and on behalf of all persons eligible for membership in the Association.

3. Membership

  1. Regular Membership
    All persons employed full-time and/or part-time in the following ranks shall be eligible for regular membership in the Association:

    1. Instructors and Lecturers;
    2. Special Lecturers;
    3. Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, Professors;
    4. Assistant Librarians, Associate Librarians, Librarians.
  2. Honorary Membership
    Honorary membership may be extended to any former, regular member in good standing upon retirement from the University. Honorary members shall not be entitled to nominate, vote, or be elected to the Executive of the Association or to propose, second or amend motions or vote on any motions.
  3. Non-Voluntary Members
    Members of the Academic staff who are paying union dues but who are not voluntary members of the Association shall not be entitled to participate in the affairs of the Association.
  4. Affiliate Memberships
    All members of the Association shall become members of the Canadian Association of University Teachers, and any other organization with which the Association may affiliate from time to time, automatically upon becoming members of the Association.
  5. Rights and Privileges of Regular Members
    Regular members shall be entitled to nominate, vote, or be elected to the Executive of the Association and to propose or second motions on any matters relating to Collective Bargaining and vote on any motions dealing with such matters.
  6. Membership Fees
    Membership fees shall be as prescribed from time to time by general meetings.

4. Governing Authority

  1. The governing body of the Association shall be the regular members of the Association in general meeting (whether a regular or special general meeting), and all policies, rules and regulations enacted by the general meeting of the Association shall bind all members and officers of the Association.
  2. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to call for an on-line or electronic vote for any decision to be taken by the membership, provided there has been the opportunity for a deliberative assembly prior to the on-line or electronic vote being conducted. When an on-line or electronic vote that is open to all members has been conducted on a matter and approved by majority vote, it shall bind all members and officers of the Association as if enacted by the general meeting of the Association.

5. Executive Committee

There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of twelve (12) members to be chosen from the various ranks as follows:

  1. two (2) from among those members holding the rank of Instructor, Lecturer, Special Lecturer, Assistant Librarian or Assistant Professor;
  2. two (2) from among those holding the rank of Associate Professor or Associate Librarian;
  3. two (2) from among those holding the rank of Professor or Librarian;
  4. two (2) equity officers; and,
  5. four (4) from the membership at large.

6. Executive Committee; Elections

The following rules shall govern the election of the Executive Committee:

  1. An election shall be held each year in April. The term of office is two (2) years beginning on the first (1st) day of July following the date of the election.
  2. Elections shall be held under the direction of the Elections Committee.  This committee shall consist of five (5) regular members of the Association who are to be elected by the regular members of the Association on or before March 1st of each year.  The Secretary shall seek nominations from the general membership for the Elections Committee prior to September 30. The Elections Committee shall not include any current Executive Committee member or individuals seeking election to the Executive.  The Secretary of the Executive Committee shall call the first meeting of the Elections Committee. Thereafter, the Elections Committee shall appoint a chair of the Committee from their membership; a quorum of the Elections Committee shall consist of three (3) members. A majority decision of the committee shall be represented by a simple majority of members attending.
    The Secretary of the Executive Committee shall be empowered to call the Elections Committee together.
  3. The Elections Committee shall distribute a nomination form and a list of regular members with their ranks to each regular member on, or before March 7th in each year.  Completed nomination forms shall be returned to the Election Committee before the date and time set for the close of Nominations by the Elections Committee, which shall be no later than April 1st of each year.  Each nomination paper shall bear the signature of not less than three (3) regular members of the Association as sponsors of the nominee, who shall signify their consent. On receipt of each nomination, the Chair of the Elections Committee shall post the name of the candidate in a suitable place.
  4. Members shall vote for nominees in each of the categories a, b, c, d, and e. All nominees in categories a, b, c, and d will comprise the nominee list for category e. Categories a, b, c, and d shall be filled by the nominees with the most votes in each respective category. Category e shall be filled by the remaining nominees with the greatest number of votes.
  5. One-half of the Executive Committee shall be elected annually. When opening(s) for a one-year term exist in any category, the nominee(s) with the greater number of votes will be declared elected to the two-year term(s) in that category.
  6. If, at the close of the nomination period, fewer nominations are submitted than open positions, all nominees will be acclaimed. First-to-file will be used to identify whether a nominee wins a designated category or a member-at-large position. The Elections Committee may extend the nomination period to allow for nominations to any vacant positions remaining after existing nominees are acclaimed.
  7. It shall be the duty of the Elections Committee to ensure that each member of the Association is entitled to vote electronically.  The Elections Committee shall report the results of the election to the general membership including the total number of members eligible to vote, number of members voting, and the successful candidate elected in each category.
  8. Any vacancy on the Executive Committee resulting from resignation, retirement, death or any other cause, shall be filled for the remaining term of the member vacating their seat.  The Elections Committee shall conduct a by-election, at which all regular members of the Association are entitled to vote.  The Elections Committee shall permit a one week period for the call for nominations from the vacated category of the member to be replaced and shall ensure that the electronic vote is conducted with in a two week period from the close of nominations.  When a vacancy occurs after December 1, it shall not be filled until the next regular election. In the case of a single nominee, for a by-election, the candidate will be acclaimed without a confirmation vote. If no candidate stands nominated for a by-election, the Executive vacancy shall remain vacant until the next general election.
  9. If there is a tie in a by-election, the candidate who filed nomination papers first will be declared elected.
  10. Beginning in 2020, Officers shall be eligible to serve for 8 consecutive years and must wait two years before seeking subsequent election. For the purpose of this article, terms held prior to 2020 are not considered in the calculation of consecutive terms.

7. Executive Committee; Powers and Function

The Executive Committee shall be authorized:

  1. To elect each year a Chair, a Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer (or a Secretary-Treasurer) from the Executive Committee membership. Those eligible to vote in these elections shall consist of Executive Committee members entitled to hold office on the first day of July in each year. Officers so elected shall assume their duties as of the first day of July in each year.
  2. To elect each year a Grievance Officer who shall be a regular member of the Association and an ex officio member of the Executive Committee. Those eligible to vote in this election shall consist of Executive Committee members entitled to hold office on the first day of July in each year. The Grievance Officer so elected shall assume their duties as of the first day of July in each year.
  3. To carry out the administration and management of the affairs of the Association between general meetings, subject to the provisions of this Constitution.
  4. To set policies, rules and regulations as may be necessary from time to time subject to the approval of the membership in accordance with Article 4.
  5. To formulate and develop general collective bargaining policy subject to the approval of the membership in accordance with Article 4.
  6. To engage in collective bargaining with the Board of Governors of the University of Saskatchewan for and on behalf of all persons eligible for membership in the Association and to appoint a Chief Negotiator.
  7. To authorize expenditure of the monies of the Association as the Executive Committee may from time to time deem necessary.
  8. To appoint an auditor who shall be a Chartered Accountant to conduct an annual audit of the financial accounts of the Association.
  9. To investigate and report on any matters of interest to the Association.
  10. To request the services of any members of the Association to assist in matters where special or technical knowledge is required.
  11. To appoint or nominate representatives to CAUT and the CAUT Defence Fund.
  12. To establish Association committees as necessary and to appoint members to these committees.
  13. To appoint persons as deemed necessary to carry out the business of the Association.
  14. To retain a solicitor for the Association as necessary.
  15. To appoint persons as officers to sign cheques issued by the Association, provided that each such cheque shall be signed by two (2) such persons.
  16. Act as trustee of the property and monies of the Association.
  17. To remove and replace anyone appointed under this Article.
  18. To employ staff to carry out the work of the Association

8. Executive Committee: Duties of Officers

  1. The Chair shall:
    1. Be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association.
    2. Carry out the policies of the Association and enforce due observance of the Constitution.
    3. Act as chief spokesperson of the Association.
    4. Preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee.
    5. Call special meetings of any of the standing or special committees when he/she deems it necessary to do so.
    6. Call a special meeting of the Association when deemed necessary by her/him, or when instructed to do so by the Executive or when petitioned by not fewer than twenty (20) regular members of the Association.
    7. Present at the regular meetings of the Association a comprehensive report of the activities of the Association during his/her term of office.
  2. The Vice-Chair shall:
    1. Perform all duties of the Chair in her/his absence.
    2. Assume such other duties as the Executive Committee or the Chair may assign from time to time.
  3. The Secretary shall:
    1. Cause to be maintained full records of minutes of all meetings of the Association, Executive Committee, and such other committees as the Executive may determine.
    2. Cause to be maintained all membership records, documents and correspondence of the Association.
    3. Present the minutes of the last general meeting at the next general meeting.
    4. Assume such other duties as the Executive Committee or the Chair may assign from time to time.
    5. Call for nominations to the elections committee each year.
  4. The Treasurer shall:
    1. Supervise the collection of funds of the Association.
    2. Keep a record of all monies received and disbursed by the Association.
    3. Be the custodian of all monies received by the Association in a branch of a financial institution approved by the Executive Committee.
    4. Pay out such sums as the Executive Committee may direct from time to time.
    5. Arrange for the annual audit of the Association accounts by the Chartered Accountant appointed by the Executive Committee.
    6. Assume such other duties as the Executive Committee or the Chair may assign from time to time.
  5. The Equity Officer shall:
    1. Co-chair, where appropriate, equity committees of the Association.
    2. Identify ways that the Association can improve equity within the Association.
    3. Advocate for equity issues on behalf of our members.
  6. The Executive shall:
    1. Carry out the policies of the Association and enforce a due observation of the Constitution.
    2. Assume such other duties as the Executive Committee or the Chairman may assign from time to time.

9. Executive Committee; Recall

  1. The Executive Committee may by motion suspend a member of the Executive Committee who contravenes the policies, rules, or regulations of the Executive Committee.
  2. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, a member may be removed by the Executive Committee for:
    1. inability to perform duties due to illness,
    2. dereliction of duty,
    3. breach of confidentiality
    4. missing four consecutive Executive Committee meetings.
  3. A motion by the Executive Committee to remove must be supported by a vote of eight (8) members of the Executive Committee.
  4. The decision to remove a member of the Executive Committee must be placed before the membership for acceptance or rejection at a general meeting held within thirty (30) days, pending which the member shall be suspended from the Executive Committee.

10. Meetings

    1. Regular General Meetings
      Regular General meetings of the Association shall be held twice annually, one early in the fall term, and one as soon as possible after the annual elections to the Executive Committee.
    2. Special General Meetings
      Special General Meetings may be held at the discretion of the Executive Committee, or on the request in writing of not fewer than twenty (20) regular members of the Association.
    3. Notice of Meetings
      All meetings of the Association shall be called by the Chair of the Executive Committee, who shall preside over such meetings. Ordinarily, one week’s notice, in writing of all meetings shall be given to regular members of the Association. An adequate but shorter notice in writing may be necessary in cases of emergency meetings.
    4. Quorum
      Thirty (30) regular members of the Association shall constitute a quorum.
    5. Executive Committee meetings
      The Executive Committee shall hold regular meetings as necessary for carrying on the business of the Association.
    6. The parliamentary authority at all meetings of the Association shall be the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
    7. Meeting Minutes
      Minutes must be taken by a member of the executive or a person designated by a member of the executive at all regular general meetings and special general meetings.  Provisional minutes from the meeting must be provided electronically to the Association membership within one month of the conclusion of the regular general or special general meeting during which they were taken.  Minutes from a prior meeting must be submitted to the membership for approval at the earliest possible regular general or special general meeting.  Amended minutes must be provided to the membership within one month of the meeting at which they were approved.  Copies of meeting minutes must be retained for at least 5 years, and a member of the executive or a person designated by the executive must provide minutes for past meetings to a member upon request.
    8. Secret Ballots: Conditions and Requests
      Votes at regular and special general meetings must be held by secret ballot if:

        1. the vote concerns the acceptance or rejection of an agreement collectively bargained between the Association and the employer, or
        2. a member present at the general or special general meeting requests that the vote be conducted by secret ballot.

    11. Electronic Participation in Meetings

    Members who are not present in person shall have the right to participate in meetings of the Association by electronic (“remote”) means, according to the Regulations Governing Electronic Participation in Meetings document.

    12. Amendments to the Constitution

    The Constitution of the Association may be amended only in accordance with the following rules:

    1. Notice of Motion concerning such amendment shall be submitted by a regular member in writing to the Chair of the Executive Committee. Such Notices of Motion shall contain explicitly the proposed amendment.
    2. On receiving such Notice of Motion, the Chair shall send copies of it to all regular members of the Association.
    3. Any motion to amend the Constitution shall come into effect only if it is passed by a majority vote of regular members present at a duly called and properly constituted meeting.
    4. A period of not less than one week shall elapse between the submission of the Notice of Motion to the members, and the holding of the meeting at which the motion is voted on.

    NOTE: This Constitution was approved by a unanimous vote of the Association at a meeting held on February 19, 1952, and amended at meetings held on April 30, 1953, May 4, 1956, December 3, 1959, November 23, 1961, May 8, 1964, November 19, 1964, May 14, 1965, May 10, 1968, May 26, 1970, May 8, 1975, November 10, 1975, April 21, 1976, May 14, 1979, April 26, 1984, May 18, 1989, November 29, 1989, May 29, 1991, May 19, 1994, January 19, 1995, February 15, 1995, February 14, 2001, April 22, 2016, April 21, 2017, April 26, 2018, April 25, 2019, November 2, 2022, October 28, 2024.