- Regular General Meetings
Regular General meetings of the Association shall be held twice annually, one early in the fall term, and one as soon as possible after the annual elections to the Executive Committee.
- Special General Meetings
Special General Meetings may be held at the discretion of the Executive Committee, or on the request in writing of not fewer than twenty (20) regular members of the Association.
- Notice of Meetings
All meetings of the Association shall be called by the Chair of the Executive Committee, who shall preside over such meetings. Ordinarily, one week’s notice, in writing of all meetings shall be given to regular members of the Association. An adequate but shorter notice in writing may be necessary in cases of emergency meetings.
- Quorum
Thirty (30) regular members of the Association shall constitute a quorum.
- Executive Committee meetings
The Executive Committee shall hold regular meetings as necessary for carrying on the business of the Association.
- The parliamentary authority at all meetings of the Association shall be the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
- Meeting Minutes
Minutes must be taken by a member of the executive or a person designated by a member of the executive at all regular general meetings and special general meetings. Provisional minutes from the meeting must be provided electronically to the Association membership within one month of the conclusion of the regular general or special general meeting during which they were taken. Minutes from a prior meeting must be submitted to the membership for approval at the earliest possible regular general or special general meeting. Amended minutes must be provided to the membership within one month of the meeting at which they were approved. Copies of meeting minutes must be retained for at least 5 years, and a member of the executive or a person designated by the executive must provide minutes for past meetings to a member upon request.
- Secret Ballots: Conditions and Requests
Votes at regular and special general meetings must be held by secret ballot if:
- the vote concerns the acceptance or rejection of an agreement collectively bargained between the Association and the employer, or
- a member present at the general or special general meeting requests that the vote be conducted by secret ballot.
11. Electronic Participation in Meetings
Members who are not present in person shall have the right to participate in meetings of the Association by electronic (“remote”) means, according to the Regulations Governing Electronic Participation in Meetings document.
12. Amendments to the Constitution
The Constitution of the Association may be amended only in accordance with the following rules:
- Notice of Motion concerning such amendment shall be submitted by a regular member in writing to the Chair of the Executive Committee. Such Notices of Motion shall contain explicitly the proposed amendment.
- On receiving such Notice of Motion, the Chair shall send copies of it to all regular members of the Association.
- Any motion to amend the Constitution shall come into effect only if it is passed by a majority vote of regular members present at a duly called and properly constituted meeting.
- A period of not less than one week shall elapse between the submission of the Notice of Motion to the members, and the holding of the meeting at which the motion is voted on.
NOTE: This Constitution was approved by a unanimous vote of the Association at a meeting held on February 19, 1952, and amended at meetings held on April 30, 1953, May 4, 1956, December 3, 1959, November 23, 1961, May 8, 1964, November 19, 1964, May 14, 1965, May 10, 1968, May 26, 1970, May 8, 1975, November 10, 1975, April 21, 1976, May 14, 1979, April 26, 1984, May 18, 1989, November 29, 1989, May 29, 1991, May 19, 1994, January 19, 1995, February 15, 1995, February 14, 2001, April 22, 2016, April 21, 2017, April 26, 2018, April 25, 2019, November 2, 2022, October 28, 2024.