Be Ready

Last week we sent out an e-Letter about tenure not being a term appearing in Saskatchewan legislation. While tenure and the ideals it holds have been a part of academia and the task of imparting knowledge to others for a very long time, it is not something that exists in the laws of our province. […]

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Provincial Election 2011 – Get Involved

It’s 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, November 1, 2011. There are 6 days and 11 hours left until the polls close on Election Day. There’s plenty of time to make yourself aware of issues affecting the people of Saskatchewan. One of the best sources of information out there right now is the Labour Issues Campaign of the […]

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Salary Review Standards

Article 17 of the 2010-13 Collective Agreement contains significant changes to Article 17 with respect to salary review procedures and the awarding of merit. In this issue we summarize these important changes and provide some guidance for their implementation. These changes are aimed at improving the process, the reasons for the award of special increases, […]

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Assignment of Duties

A Participatory Process This is the time of year when the process for the assignment of duties begins. Article 11 of the Collective Agreement covers this process. It is an open and transparent process that requires your participation. It is through your participation that transparency and fairness are ensured in the same manner as other […]

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What Do Faculty Think Of Merit?

Recently the Faculty Association communicated a series of e-mails about the merit-based part of our salary system.   This multi-part communication generated a lot of faculty responses. We want to summarize and share with you some of these responses which express views both in favour and against the concept of merit pay. The Pros and Cons […]

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To SEEQ the Impossible Dream of Course Evaluations

Shortly before the end of 2010, the USFA sent out a series of e-letters regarding SEEQ. These e-letters touched on three concerns about SEEQ repeatedly raised by USFA members – the privacy of results and how they should not be used to compare units, statistical issues related to using the questionnaire in small classes, and […]

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