What is Collegial Governance?

Our Collective Agreement is built on principles of shared responsibilities and shared values around academic freedom and collegiality.

Collegial governance, or collegial decision making, is a system of governance that depends upon the participation of colleagues to make decisions. In the context of university governance, collegiality means the participation of faculty members in academic governance. This happens at the University of Saskatchewan via the processes defined by the Collective Agreement between the USFA and the University, and at University Council. Faculty members also have representation on the Board of Governors (the President, and a member elected by faculty) and Senate (the President, Vice-President, and deans).

Collegial governance forms a foundation for academic freedom, which is protected through both the University of Saskatchewan Act and the Collective Agreement. Academic freedom includes the right to teach and discuss without restriction; to carry out research and scholarship and to disseminate the results; to produce and perform creative works; to engage in service to the university and the community; to express opinions about the university, its administration, and the systems in which we conduct our work. Academic freedom always entails freedom from institutional censorship.

Click here to see how faculty members participate in collegial decision-making through the terms of the Collective Agreement.

Click here to see the roles and powers of the Senate, the Board, University Council, and Faculty Members conferred through the University of Saskatchewan Act.