If you are planning to go forward for renewal, tenure or promotion this fall, please join USFA representatives for lunch at the University Club in the Club Room from 11:30 to 1:30 April 26 or 29 to talk about the process. It’s on us!
Soon, if not already, these annual processes will get underway. By the end of May, Department Heads, or Deans in non-departmentalized colleges, should have met with you to discuss your progress towards renewal, tenure, and promotion. By mid-June you should have indicated if you are going forward.
You must seek renewal of probation in the third year of your initial probationary appointment and you can elect to go for tenure, or promotion, in any year if you believe you have met the standards. You must go for tenure in the final year of your probationary period (5th for Associate and 6th for Assistant).
Please reply to this email or contact Tammy Stieb at 306-966-5609 or tammy.stieb@usask.ca if you are interested in attending on the 26th or 29th.