VOX is a publication sponsored by the USFA and is published by an independent Editorial Board. It is a forum for the expression of opinions of USFA members. Materials published in VOX do not necessarily express USFA policy, the views of the USFA Executive or the Editorial Board.

Submissions of general interest less than 300 words will be accepted for publication, subject to the following general principles:

  1. All material submitted for publication should be written in a clear and concise style. The use of technical jargon should be avoided, and the vocabulary used should be familiar to most of the intended audience.
  2. The Editorial Board will have the discretionary power to edit submissions in order to ensure correctness of grammar.
  3. The Editorial Board will have the right to reject any article of a racist, sexist or obscene nature.
  4. The Editorial Board will have the right to reject any article which, in the opinion of the Association’s solicitor, could result in legal action being taken against the Association or the Editorial Board.Publication of short articles may be delayed not more than six months – it is possible that the Editorial Board may wish to save an article for a special issue on its subject matter. It is also possible that shortage of space may require delays in publication.

Articles more than 300 words, cartoons or other graphics, and submissions from non-members, such as university administrators, other university employees, alumni, or students may be published at the discretion of the Editorial Board.

Submissions to be considered for publication in VOX may be sent by email to: usfa@usaskfaculty.ca. All articles remain the property of the authors, and permission to reprint them should be obtained directly from them.

All opinions expressed in VOX are those of the authors, and do not necessarily represent the position of the USFA or the Editorial Board.