Today is the best day to start thinking about your promotion/tenure case. You have a lot of resources to help you with your case.
If you are planning to go forward for renewal, tenure or promotion this fall, consider joining USFA representatives at the University Club in the Club Room from 11:30 to 1:30 March 27 or March 28 to talk about the process. Lunch will be provided, so please reply to this email if you are interested in attending or let us know by phone (306-966-5609).
By May 31, your Department Head or Dean should have met with you to discuss your progress with respect to the approved standards, with which you should be familiar.
You don’t give students much credit for answering a question other than the one you asked them to answer. Similarly, your colleagues will not give you much credit for activity other than that needed to meet your standards. Nor can they give you credit for your achievements if your file does not provide sufficient and appropriate data to thoroughly document your case.
Be sure you understand the meaning of all terms. If your standards are vague, you should ask how they have been interpreted in the past. Your Dean, Department Head, or faculty mentor should be able to provide you with further advice.
It is the responsibility of your Department Head or Dean to gather information and documentation for your case file. It is your responsibility to know what has been gathered and to add information to demonstrate you have met or exceeded the standards (see the university’s “Guidelines for preparation of case files for renewal of probation, tenure and promotion”).
For tenure, and promotion to full professor, your department or college committees will select several independent external reviewers. Your standards will describe the selection process, and you generally will have an opportunity for input.
Notify your Department Head or Dean as soon as possible that you intend to go forward for tenure or promotion, but no later than June 15.
By June 30, you should have been advised to provide anything you want included in your case file and it needs to be in by August 1.
If you have questions about the tenure or promotion procedure, feel free to include them in a reply to this email, and someone will get in touch with you.