Today is the best day to start thinking about your promotion/tenure case. You have a lot of resources to help you in the preparation of your case file.
By May 31, your Department Head or Dean should have met with you to discuss your progress in meeting the approved standards, which you should make yourself familiar with. Be sure you understand the meaning of all terms. If your standards are not specific, you should ask how they have been interpreted in the past. Your Dean, Department Head, or faculty mentor should be able to provide you with further advice. You should be given advice based on the standards as to the generally expected number of publications, types of journals and research funding expectations required to meet standards. Make sure that student teaching and peer evaluations are being conducted regularly and that you are addressing any concerns brought to your attention about meeting the standards for teaching. The Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching Effectiveness is an excellent resource centre for faculty.
For tenure, and promotion to full professor, you need external referees. This process is best started sooner rather than later. You do not want to be missing a letter at the last moment.
By June 30, you should have been advised to provide your case file.
By August 1, you should submit your case file to your Dean or Department Head.
If you have questions about the tenure/process procedure, please contact the USFA office at 966-5609.