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Get Research Right – federal research policies hit close to home

Research and policy choices made by the federal government are hitting close to home, according to faculty scientists at the U of S:

“… as a university professor, the message has become as clear as it can be: we are no longer welcome to use the science infrastructures within government buildings. The rules and regulations have become so rigid that it is almost impossible to routinely use government labs as we did only a few years earlier. A wall has been under construction over the past 9 years and it is now close to completion.”

Read more of the story by Anas El-Aneed with input from Randy Purves in the latest issue of Collectively Speaking.

Read more about the Get Research Right campaign at

We need to have a candid discussion about party and candidate positions on research policy and funding, and we need to give thorough consideration to this topic when it comes to our choices on election-day.

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Louis’ Loft: September 29, 3:00-6:00 pm

Station 20 West: October 2, 3:00-5:00 pm [Please note the new start time for this event.]



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