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Nominations Deadline for University Council Members-at-Large is Friday, February 13

This e-letter is a reminder of the university’s recent call for nominations for University Council members-at-large.

The USFA Executive encourages you to stand as a candidate and ask your colleagues to stand for election.

The call for nominations will close Friday, February 13, 2015. Nomination forms are available online through the Office of the University Secretary.

University Council is critical to effective collegial governance at our institution. Council has exclusive jurisdiction over the university’s academic affairs and plays a vital role in setting academic priorities and institutional directions.

Any changes to academic programming or restructuring, such as those initiated through the Institutional Planning and Assessment process or Priorities for Action, must be brought forward to Council. It is crucial that faculty become actively involved to ensure that the future direction of the University reflects the values of its academics.

Collegial governance at our university is founded on the principle that academics are in the best position to make expert judgments about academic programs, priorities and directions: the legislated role of Council ensures that academics have a say in determining the destiny of their disciplines at the University of Saskatchewan. Your participation by standing for election is essential to the continuing shared governance of the institution.

The University Secretary oversees the election of members of Council as provided in section 57(1) of The University of Saskatchewan Act, 1995. The election procedures followed will be those prescribed by the Council Bylaws.

(3)        Section 53(2)(i) [Members-at-large]:
54 faculty members who have been elected by faculty members.

The election, to replace members whose terms expire on June 30, 2015 and other vacancies, must be completed by March 31. This year, the following vacancies exist:

22 three-year terms
possibly 1 two-year term

All members of University Council whose term expires on June 30, 2015 are eligible for re-election.

The next election for two representatives of each college or affiliated and federated college, i.e.

53(2)(b) a member of the college and
53(2)(c) either a dean or a member of the college

 will occur in January 2017. If there are no nominations for 53(2)(c) at that time, the dean of the college will serve as college representative.


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