There is less than one month until nominations close for the USFA Peter T. Millard Award and the USFA Peter C. Dooley Legacy Award.
Nominations must be in by February 7.
The Millard Award is a way for you to acknowledge fellow USFA members for contributions to the USFA and its membership. Who do you know who has assisted and/or supported a USFA member or members; perhaps as an advocate or mentor? Who do you know who has demonstrated commitment to USFA involvement? Nominate this person for the Millard Award and have their efforts recognized.
Likewise, take a moment to consider who you know that has made a single significant contribution or contributed over the long term to championing collegial decision-making and collegial self-governance in Canada. It can be one person, a group of people or an organization. The Dooley Legacy Award is a way to recognize and celebrate such champions.
Nominations for these Awards can be made by any current USFA member or by any USFA committee. The nomination will take the form of a letter from the nominator explaining how the nominee is deserving of the particular award. Nominators must also include a written agreement from the nominee that the nomination will be accepted.
Nominations for both the Dooley Award and the Millard Award should be submitted by mail to:
USFA Member Development Committee
Room 20 Education Building
28 Campus Drive
Saskatoon SKĀ S7N 0X1
OR by email to: